Members blogs

Sereral of our members have their own VW related blogs, which are well worth a look if your into Volkswagens. Check out the blogs from:


Stuart Munro.  Stuarts blog, chequered front vw is largly based on repairs and maintaining his 1971 Bay Window and his 1967 Beetle and the various air-cooled vehicles that have been in his workshop for repair or to have work done on them. The blog covers many technical issues, E.G. ever wondered what is involved is replacing the heater channels in a Bug? or how you go about putting a new front panel on a bay window? well check out Stuarts blog to find out how these and many other repairs are carried out. Stuart does work on many of our memebers vehicles including welding /servicing / MOT work and vehicle lowering and at very reasonable rates. He is not a full time mechanic, as yet, but should you ever need any work carried out on your VW, Stuart is the man you need to talk to: 

Claude Buisan. Claude's blog zibisplit is the longest running blog and has entries that date back to 2008. Originally from France Claude's blog features his many vehicles including his 1960 Split Screen Kombi, 1974 Beetle and his newly accquired 1976 ex german army 181 Trekker. His entries include technical issues on work he has carried out on his numerous vehicles, the various shows and events he has attended both in the U.K and in across Europe. His blog also has lots of interesting links to other blogs and VW related items, and even features a video on his air-cooled shopping trolly.! Check out Claude's blog if you have several hours spare:

Dave Clark. Dave's blog, my 1969 VW microbus is the newest blog and features posts from VW shows, and other local VW club meetings, that he and other members attend. The blog is all about the places he goes, the vehicles he see's and the people he meets along the way. Check out Dave's blog to see what he's been up to and where he's been.


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