The Outcast VW Club is a small Volkswagen orientated club based in Aylesbury in the county of Buckinghamshire. We normally meet at The Charter Pub on the Bicester Road, in Aylesbury on the first Thursday of each month, however this month the first Thursday was New Years day and we thought that due to the New Year celebrations there could be quite a few people with sore heads, so we decided to put the club meet back a week.
Kevin and Sam came to the club meet in Kevin's Trial Beetle. Kevin and Sam are father and son who are both into Trialling their Beetles. |
This weekend the pair are off to Devon to a trial which I think starts at 05.00am on Saturday and finishes sometime on Sunday, good luck guy's. |
This really is a nice looking Beetle. |
Not a very good photo of the new dash due to the steering lock having been fitted. Dave was saying that all the switches now work as they should and even the heater works. |
My 1969 bay window looking a bit tired under the car park lights of The Charter Pub. |
Simon and Amanda popped down in Amanda's Golf. Simon's T4 had a slight accident earlier in the day so it was off the road. |
The infamous 'kiss arse' number plate on Amanda's Golf. |
I was told not to mention Amanda's parking... I not sure why, she's almost in the parking space.! |
Kevin came down to the club meet in 'The Grinch' his long wheelbase T4. |
This picture is a first for me, I have never seen Kevin's T4 other than immaculate, so the state of this rear end is shocking, I never thought I'd see the day... |
Stuart and Tim came to our monthly meet in Stuart's 1971 red oxide bay window with the hand painted chequered front. |
Stuart owns and runs Oil Droppers workshop and will be painting my bus later in the year, and they carried out all the work on Louise's Beelte. |
Pete came along in his 1994 Caddy. I saw a message on face book saying that Pete may be moving away so won't be able to come to our club meets, that's a shame as Pete is a very likable and popular guy. |
Not sure if this is Pete's workhorse or just his daily driver, but those wheels could do with some attention Pete. |
We had a new vehicle and owner come down tonight, the owner is a guy called Andy (I think) and his ride is a 1970 Beetle, or what's left of it, as this Beetle has had some serious body modifications. |
A very blurred and fuzzy picture of Andy's bug. |
The deck lid was trick, with it looking like it had been peeled back. |